Train timetables from ERPS-KWERPS to LEUVEN

TrainERPS-KWERPSLEUVENEntire sectionDurationInfo
S2 376717:3617:48BRAINE-LE-COMTE (16:22) -> LEUVEN (17:48) { mins }}min
S2 366213:0713:19BRAINE-LE-COMTE (11:51) -> LEUVEN (13:19) { mins }}min
S2 366516:0716:19BRAINE-LE-COMTE (14:51) -> LEUVEN (16:19) { mins }}min
S2 365607:0707:19BRAINE-LE-COMTE (05:48) -> LEUVEN (07:19) { mins }}min
S2 376313:3613:48BRAINE-LE-COMTE (12:22) -> LEUVEN (13:48) { mins }}min
S2 375707:3607:48BRAINE-LE-COMTE (06:20) -> LEUVEN (07:48) { mins }}min
S2 376515:3615:48BRAINE-LE-COMTE (14:22) -> LEUVEN (15:48) { mins }}min
S2 376010:3610:48BRAINE-LE-COMTE (09:22) -> LEUVEN (10:48) { mins }}min
S2 365506:0706:19BRAINE-LE-COMTE (04:51) -> LEUVEN (06:19) { mins }}min
S2 365708:0708:19BRAINE-LE-COMTE (06:48) -> LEUVEN (08:19) { mins }}min
S2 366920:0720:19BRAINE-LE-COMTE (18:51) -> LEUVEN (20:19) { mins }}min

Questions and answers about the route and trains from ERPS-KWERPS to LEUVEN

What time does the first train leave from ERPS-KWERPS to LEUVEN?

The first train between ERPS-KWERPS and LEUVEN leaves at 17:36

What time does the last train leave from ERPS-KWERPS to LEUVEN?

The last train between ERPS-KWERPS and LEUVEN leaves at 20:07

What time does the first train arrive from ERPS-KWERPS to LEUVEN?

The first train between ERPS-KWERPS and LEUVEN arrives at 17:48

What time does the last train arrive from ERPS-KWERPS to LEUVEN?

The last train between ERPS-KWERPS and LEUVEN arrives at 20:19

How many trains are there between ERPS-KWERPS and LEUVEN every day?

There are 11 trains between ERPS-KWERPS and LEUVEN every day.

Which trains are there every day between ERPS-KWERPS and LEUVEN?

Trains run every day between ERPS-KWERPS and LEUVEN: S2 3767, S2 3662, S2 3665, S2 3656, S2 3763, S2 3757, S2 3765, S2 3760, S2 3655, S2 3657, S2 3669