Train timetables from LIÈGE-GUILLEMINS to JURBISE

TrainLIÈGE-GUILLEMINSJURBISEEntire sectionDurationInfo
IC 173410:5613:02LIÈGE-GUILLEMINS (10:56) -> QUIEVRAIN (13:47)2h { mins }}min
IC 172804:5307:02LIÈGE-GUILLEMINS (04:53) -> QUIEVRAIN (07:51)2h { mins }}min
IC 174016:5619:02LIÈGE-GUILLEMINS (16:56) -> THULIN (19:43)2h { mins }}min
IC 173612:5615:02LIÈGE-GUILLEMINS (12:56) -> QUIEVRAIN (15:47)2h { mins }}min
IC 173208:5611:02LIÈGE-GUILLEMINS (08:56) -> QUIEVRAIN (11:47)2h { mins }}min
IC 173915:5618:02LIÈGE-GUILLEMINS (15:56) -> QUIEVRAIN (18:47)2h { mins }}min
IC 172905:5508:02LIÈGE-GUILLEMINS (05:55) -> QUIEVRAIN (08:52)2h { mins }}min
IC 173814:5617:02LIÈGE-GUILLEMINS (14:56) -> QUIEVRAIN (17:49)2h { mins }}min
IC 173006:5609:02LIÈGE-GUILLEMINS (06:56) -> QUIEVRAIN (09:54)2h { mins }}min

Questions and answers about the route and trains from LIÈGE-GUILLEMINS to JURBISE

What time does the first train leave from LIÈGE-GUILLEMINS to JURBISE?

The first train between LIÈGE-GUILLEMINS and JURBISE leaves at 10:56

What time does the last train leave from LIÈGE-GUILLEMINS to JURBISE?

The last train between LIÈGE-GUILLEMINS and JURBISE leaves at 06:56

What time does the first train arrive from LIÈGE-GUILLEMINS to JURBISE?

The first train between LIÈGE-GUILLEMINS and JURBISE arrives at 13:02

What time does the last train arrive from LIÈGE-GUILLEMINS to JURBISE?

The last train between LIÈGE-GUILLEMINS and JURBISE arrives at 09:02

How many trains are there between LIÈGE-GUILLEMINS and JURBISE every day?

There are 9 trains between LIÈGE-GUILLEMINS and JURBISE every day.

Which trains are there every day between LIÈGE-GUILLEMINS and JURBISE?

Trains run every day between LIÈGE-GUILLEMINS and JURBISE: IC 1734, IC 1728, IC 1740, IC 1736, IC 1732, IC 1739, IC 1729, IC 1738, IC 1730