Train timetables from LIÈGE-GUILLEMINS to Sion

TrainLIÈGE-GUILLEMINSSionEntire sectionDurationInfo
IC 41112:3413:09KORTRIJK (10:18) -> Sion (13:09) { mins }}min
IC 41617:3618:12KORTRIJK (15:19) -> Sion (18:12) { mins }}min
IC 52022:0322:33OOSTENDE (19:42) -> Sion (22:33) { mins }}min
IC 51315:0315:33OOSTENDE (12:42) -> EUPEN (15:42) { mins }}min
IC 51517:0317:33OOSTENDE (14:42) -> EUPEN (17:42) { mins }}min
IC 51113:0313:33OOSTENDE (10:42) -> EUPEN (13:42) { mins }}min
IC 51719:0319:33OOSTENDE (16:40) -> EUPEN (19:42) { mins }}min
IC 50810:0310:33OOSTENDE (07:42) -> EUPEN (10:42) { mins }}min
IC 51618:0318:33OOSTENDE (15:42) -> EUPEN (18:41) { mins }}min
IC 51012:0312:33OOSTENDE (09:42) -> EUPEN (12:42) { mins }}min
IC 51820:0320:33OOSTENDE (17:42) -> EUPEN (20:42) { mins }}min
IC 50507:0307:33OOSTENDE (04:36) -> EUPEN (07:42) { mins }}min
IC 50911:0311:33OOSTENDE (08:42) -> EUPEN (11:42) { mins }}min
IC 40708:3409:11KORTRIJK (06:17) -> Sion (09:11) { mins }}min
IC 50709:0309:33OOSTENDE (06:42) -> EUPEN (09:42) { mins }}min
IC 41516:3417:11KORTRIJK (14:18) -> Sion (17:11) { mins }}min

Questions and answers about the route and trains from LIÈGE-GUILLEMINS to Sion

What time does the first train leave from LIÈGE-GUILLEMINS to Sion?

The first train between LIÈGE-GUILLEMINS and Sion leaves at 12:34

What time does the last train leave from LIÈGE-GUILLEMINS to Sion?

The last train between LIÈGE-GUILLEMINS and Sion leaves at 16:34

What time does the first train arrive from LIÈGE-GUILLEMINS to Sion?

The first train between LIÈGE-GUILLEMINS and Sion arrives at 13:09

What time does the last train arrive from LIÈGE-GUILLEMINS to Sion?

The last train between LIÈGE-GUILLEMINS and Sion arrives at 17:11

How many trains are there between LIÈGE-GUILLEMINS and Sion every day?

There are 16 trains between LIÈGE-GUILLEMINS and Sion every day.

Which trains are there every day between LIÈGE-GUILLEMINS and Sion?

Trains run every day between LIÈGE-GUILLEMINS and Sion: IC 411, IC 416, IC 520, IC 513, IC 515, IC 511, IC 517, IC 508, IC 516, IC 510, IC 518, IC 505, IC 509, IC 407, IC 507, IC 415